Hallcroft Infant And Nursery School

Current Allocation of Pupil Premium Spending at

Hallcroft School 


Hallcroft Infant & Nursery School

Pupil Premium Planned Spending 2017/2018

The school allocation is £23,760 (18 full time pupils).  Early Years Pupils Premium allocation is expected to be £1,800 (6 pupils).  We are planning to spend the pupil premium money in the following ways to increase progress and ensure that there is no gap between the progress made by (or attainment where appropriate) pupils who are entitled to pupil premium.

What we intend to spend our Pupil Premium on


What this does

Target Pupils

12 hours a week extra TA time

In Year 2 – supports Switch On Reading and targeted Speech and Language interventions. 


Enhances reading skills for pupil premium pupils who are working at a level below their peers.

KS1 pupils

Free places at Breakfast Club so that PP KS1 pupils can access interventions during this time & to enable EYFS pupils to read daily with an adult.


(1 member of b/club staff)

This gives pupils free breakfast, calm and prompt start to the school day for their children and also accesses interventions E.g. handwriting skills and 1:1 reading

EYFS & Key Stage 1 pupils

Trips, activities and swimming certificates for pupils entitled to pupil premium.


To ensure that all activities are accessible to all pupils. Receives swimming certificates.

All pupils on FSM

Free School Uniform for FSM pupils who join school either in F1 or later through school.


Ensure that all children have equal access to uniform particularly at the start of school.

FSM pupil’s on entry to school or EYPP.

To contribute towards to cost of 1:1 MMS for a particular PP pupil.

£1300 (actual cost 2,297

Ensures that the pupil and other pupils can access lunchtimes positively and safely.

Individual Pupil

11.15 hours TA time (45 mins per class per day in FS2, Y1 and Y2) per week to support full time pupils across school in a variety of interventions; booster phonics, black sheep narrative maths and writing groups. Funds used to pay towards “class TA” salaries.


5 hours to provide Speech and Language Interventions in F1 e.g. talking tables Speech and Language Interventions (inc Talk Boost Intervention at £500).














Talk Boost £500

To support PP pupils across school phonic skills, writing and maths skills speaking & listening skills. To raise attainment and increase progress in core subjects; including speaking and listening.





To Improve pupil’s speaking and listening skills to improve ability to listen and to communicate their needs.

All full time pupils









EYPP Pupils.

Afterschool cookery clubs for PP pupils to attend for no cost.


Raises aspirations by developing high quality interaction/vocabulary, knowledge about healthy lifestyles, food etc.

All PP pupils throughout the year

This is a total Early Years Pupil Premium and Pupil Premium spend pf £25,833 with the remainder of the funds coming from the school budget.