Hallcroft Infant And Nursery School

Previous Pupil Premium Spending at


Hallcroft School



Previous Allocation for Pupil Premium Spending

Hallcroft Infant & Nursery School

Pupil Premium Planned Spending 2016/2017

The school allocation is £25,080 (19 full time pupils).  Early Years Pupils Premium allocation is expected to be £2,100 (7 pupils).  We are planning to spend the pupil premium money in the following ways to increase progress and ensure that there is no gap between the progress and attainment of pupils who are entitled to pupil premium.

What we intend to spend our Pupil Premium on


What this does

Target Pupils

12 hours a week extra TA time

In Year 2 – supports Switch on and targeted interventions. 


Enhances reading skills for pupil premium pupils who are working at a level below their peers.

Year 2 pupils

Free places at Breakfast Club so that PP pupils can access interventions during this time for KS1 pupils.


(1 member of b/club staff)

This gives pupils free breakfast, calm and prompt start to the school day for their children and also accesses interventions E.g. handwriting skills and 1:1 reading

Key Stage 1 pupils

Trips, activities and swimming certificates for pupils entitled to pupil premium.


To ensure that all activities are accessible to all pupils. Receives swimming certificates.

All pupils

20 hours TA time to support pupils across school in a variety of interventions; booster phonics, maths and writing groups.

Building on CPD from 15/16 with Speech and language: 10 hours per week TA time to run listening & attention, black sheep narrative group and talking tables Speech and Language Interventions (inc Talk Boost Intervention at £500).


To support PP pupils across school phonic skills, writing and maths skills speaking & listening skills.


To raise attainment and increase progress in core subjects; including speaking and listening.


To further imbed speech and language interventions from last year’s training with Speech and Language therapists.

All KS1 pupils

Afterschool cookery clubs for PP pupils to attend for no cost.


Raises aspirations by developing high quality interaction/vocabulary, knowledge about healthy lifestyles, food etc.

All PP pupils throughout the year

3 hours TA time to provide Speech and Language Interventions in F1.


Improve pupil’s speaking and listening skills to improve ability to listen and to communicate their needs.

F1 pupils


This is a total spend Full Time pupil spend of £26,734 with the remainder of the funds coming from the school budget.

This is a total Early Years spend of £2,100.




Pupil Premium Planned Spending 2015/2016


The school allocation is £26,176 ( 23 full time pupils and 9 early years pupils). We are planning to spend the pupil premium money in the following ways to increase progress and ensure that there is no gap between the progress and attainment of pupils who are entitled to pupil premium.

What we intend to spend our Pupil Premium on


What this does

Target Pupils

12 hours a week extra TA time in Year 2 – to be used in pm’s to provide targeted phonics, reading activities and Switch on.


Enhances phonic and reading skills for pupil premium pupils who are working at a level below their peers.

Year 1/ 2 pupils

Free places at Breakfast Club so that PP pupils can access interventions during this time.

From Sept for KS1 pupils.


This gives pupils free breakfast, calm and prompt start to the school day for their children and also accesses interventions E.g. handwriting skills and 1:1 reading

Key Stage 1 pupils

Think Children for up to 6 pupils for a term each over the year.


A series of counselling type sessions for pupils with behavioural of emotional difficulties.

Named pupils

Trips, activities and swimming certificates for pupils entitled to pupil premium.


To ensure that all activities are accessible to all pupils. Receives swimming certificates.

All pupils

10 hours TA time to support pupils across school in a variety of interventions; booster maths and writing groups, booster phonics and talk groups.


To support PP pupils across school phonic skills, speaking & listening skills (talking tables). Raise attainment and increase progress in core subjects.

All pupils

2.5 hours per week TA time to run narrative group and talking tables in F1 to develop


To support pupils who come into school with limited language skills

FS1 pupils

Talking to Learn – initiative of staff development linked with Speech Therapists to development assessment and interventions to support speaking and listening skills in school


Enable us to track and therefore accurately address issues with speaking and listening skills, have intervention CPD for staff to address these difficulties and enable pupils to make progress.

All Pupils

Family Cookery and afterschool cookery clubs for PP pupils to attend for no cost.


Develops high quality family interaction, positive family time, healthy lifestyles, vocabulary and knowledge of food etc etc.

All PP pupils throughout the year

Speech and Language Therapy interventions


To develop articulate speech, comprehension skills and effective communicators.

Named children.


This is a total spend o £27,219 with the remainder of the funds coming from the school budget.


Pupil Premium Planned Spending 2014/2015

The school allocation is £23,400 (18 pupils). We are planning to spend the pupil premium money in the following ways with the aim of raising the progress pupils who are entitled to pupil premium funding make and also to close the gap between these pupils and their peers.

Ongoing all year 2014/2015:

What we intend to spend our Pupil Premium on


What this does

Target Pupils

5 hours a week extra TA time in Year 2 – to be used in pm’s to provide targeted phonics, reading activities and Switch on.

£3186 for a year

Enhances phonic and reading skills for pupil premium pupils who are working at a level below their peers.

Year 2 pupils

Free places at Breakfast Club so that PP pupils can access interventions during this time.

From Sept for KS1 pupils.

£4,680 8 pupils for a year

This gives parents the option of a free breakfast, calm and prompt start to the school day for their children and also enables pupils to access interventions during this time. E.g. handwriting skills.

Key Stage 1 pupils

Reading Club after school to encourage PP pupils who struggle to read at home – including new library resources to suit particular pupils interests.

From Sept 2014

£600 TA hours to run 45 min club & £800 library resources.

To enable pupil premium pupils to develop a love of reading & books.   For them to spend extra time with adults who provide a positive role model about reading.

Key Stage 1 pupils.

Think Children for 2 pupils for 1 term each.


A series of counselling type sessions for pupils with behavioural of emotional difficulties.

Named pupils

Trips, activities and swimming certificates for pupils entitled to pupil premium.


To ensure that all activities are accessible to all pupils.

All pupils

Summer Term 2014:

What we intend to spend our Pupil Premium on


What this does

Target Pupils

5 hours TA time in Y1


Also Teacher led group



Not PP funded

Daily Read for PP pupils

1:1 activities with SEN pupils

Target phonics group inc. PP pupils

Y1 pupils

10 hours TA time to support pupils in Foundation Stage


To support PP pupils in F1 and F2 with early phonic skills, speaking & listening skills (talking tables). And targeted work to develop individual skills e.g. colour matching.

F1 and F2 pupils

10 hours in Y2 to support PP pupils towards reaching age related expectations and where appropriate to reach level 3.


Focused phonic group.

Targeting PP pupils who are already reaching age related expectations to attain level 3 in reading and maths.

To secure 2c in maths for specific pupils via booster groups.



Spring and Autumn Terms 2015:

These plans will be addressed in more detail following an analysis of attainment made by pupils entitled to Pupil Premium Funding at the end of the current school year.

What we intend to spend our Pupil Premium on


What this does

Target Pupils

TA time or teacher time for interventions/booster groups to support pupil premium pupils to achieve age related expectations and beyond for KS1 pupils


Pay for Switch on reading.

Targeted phonics groups teacher/TA led.

Extra 1:1 reading.

Extra TA support in Y1 to support PP pupils who have not achieved a GLD particularly in the first term of Y1.

Y2/Y1 pupils

TA time for interventions to support pupils in F1 and F2 to reach age appropriate developmental milestones.


Pay for Ta’s to run talking tables, phonics interventions etc.


(Where pupils do not apply for FSM we will do our best to ascertain which pupils should be entitled to Pupil Premium support).


Please find the details of Pupil Premium Spending at Hallcroft School from 2011 up until July 2014


The school was allocated £6,832 (14 pupils).

What we spent our Pupil Premium on

What this does

Target Pupils

Five Minute Literacy & Numeracy Box (Whole school staff training/resources and implementation)

Individual phonics/reading support programme delivered by TA’s for pupils who have not acquired Phase 2/Phase 3 phonic knowledge or a basic sight vocabulary.

Year 1 & Year 2

Extended Services

Breakfast Club, After School Club and Holiday Club provision for an identified pupil

Year 1

Additional TA Classroom Support

To further support pupils to engage with classroom based learning activities

Year 1 & Year 2



The school was allocated £12,087 see Governors Year End Financial Statement

What we spent our Pupil Premium on

What this does

Target Pupils

Switch-on Reading

(Whole school staff training/resources and implementation)

TA led personalised reading intervention based on the principles of Reading Recovery – emphasis on using a range of effective reading strategies.

Year 1 & Year 2

TA’s to deliver additional guided reading/reading activities three mornings per week

Teacher delivering additional guided reading three mornings per week to specific group of pupils to secure age related expectation in reading by the end of Y2. TA to deliver additional guided reading three mornings per week to specific group of pupils to secure 2b+ in reading by the end of Y2. TA to deliver reading activities to specific group of low attaining pupils to further accelerate progress in basic reading skills.

Year 2

Talking Tables

(TA Training & implementation)

TA led small group activity to accelerate progress in particular aspects of Communication &

Language and Personal, Social & Emotional development

Foundation 1

Five Minute Literacy Box

Individual phonics/reading support programme delivered by TA’s for pupils who have not acquired Phase2/Phase 3 phonic knowledge or a basic sight vocabulary.

Year 1 & Year 2

Extended Services

Breakfast Club, After School Club and Holiday Club provision for an identified pupil

Year 2

Additional TA Classroom Support

To further support pupils to engage with classroom based learning activities

Year 1 & Year 2



The school allocation is £12,600 (14 pupils)

What we intend to spend our Pupil Premium on

What this does

Target Pupils

Phonics Intervention – small group phonics teaching

Enables children who did not meet the expected level in the Year 1 phonics test to have

Foundation & Key Stage 1

Switch-on Reading


TA led personalised reading intervention based on the principles of Reading Recovery – emphasis on using a range of effective reading strategies.

Year 1 & Year 2

Talking Tables

(TA Training & implementation)

TA led small group activity to accelerate progress in particular aspects of Communication &

Language and Personal, Social & Emotional development

Foundation 1

Five Minute Literacy Box

Individual phonics/reading support programme delivered by TA’s for pupils who have not acquired Phase 2/Phase 3 phonic knowledge or a basic sight vocabulary.

Year 1 & Year 2